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  • in reply to: 大学の生活/The University Life #14438


    Yeah Missing we’re not ALL that young. I’m not too far from finishing my degree. Also your ascii art bombed hard man.

    in reply to: Vocabulary of doom #14432


    Welcome to the forum, I’m not gonna talk down to you lol. Putting it into natural English is one thing, but making sure the language is clean and follows more obscure grammar rules is one thing.

    I appreciate some good QC on my subs/translations ^^

    in reply to: 脳内メーカー #14429

    in reply to: 部活 School Clubs #14427


    I saw a facebook status from a Japanese friend yesterday.

    “didn’t do anything but study. I was pretty lazy today. (。-_-。)”

    At first I thought she messed up her English, but NO, she was totally like “all I did was study all day, IM SO LAZY!”

    Maybe if she tries hard enough this girl has potential to stop being so crappy. Maybe she needs to work harder.

    • This reply was modified 13 years, 8 months ago by  Sheepy.
    in reply to: 脳内メーカー #14425


    If you enter Missing’s name, hes the only one of us with H in his brain.

    Misterman: at the middle of all your friends you’ve got a little secret. What is it? ^^

    Kaona: pretty complex lol You got the “layered” type. It goes:

    Then worries and lies

    • This reply was modified 13 years, 8 months ago by  Sheepy.
    in reply to: So I need some encouragement! =0 #14268


    ^thanks for that link, I know one or two other people on the site that are interested in workout routines that it will be doubley interesting for.

    in reply to: today I learned #14251


    ~たばかり verb form!

    Now I don’t need to use 今ぐらい etc.

    in reply to: Google+ anyone? #14222


    Anyone who knows a lot of Japanese people on facebook, or speaks a lot of japanese on facebook with know how good this is.

    I’ve had people already tell me posting nothing but foreign languages to people who can’t read it is annoying lol, so now I can setup a circle of people who I want to see Japanese and those who dont.

    in reply to: Japanese Time #13973



    “Heyyyyyyyy guys!”

    interesting link MisterM. The only thing I have to add to the conversation is those times on television show overlays are always 24hour. Unless im just wrong…im not sure ^.^

    • This reply was modified 13 years, 8 months ago by  Sheepy.
    in reply to: HOW DO I SAY "…." THREAD #13970


    MisterM: let me redirect you to yet another grammar point. It has a few names, like “subordinate clauses” or “noun modified sentence”.

    Basically, you have it like this. A clause using casual form, directly followed by a noun.

    Ok that doesn’t look that easy but its easy enough if you see a sentence.


    The cake that I made, I ate it. (I ate that cake that I made)

    僕が作った = the subordinate clause
    ケーキ = the noun being modified
    食べました = the primary clause

    So basically whatever comes after 作った is what it is attached to, so 僕が作ったケーキ = The cake that I made. So therefore that entire sentence + a noun becomes a whole new complex noun. Its not a super natural sentence but you might get it from that.

    It works the same copula or いる・ある (except for だ)。


    日本にいる女の子 = Girls who are in Japan

    So if you break down the method its not too hard. Just make a sentence in PLAIN form, and then follow it directly with a noun. Its usually used for phrases like “that guy who was at the party last night” or “that food that we left in the fridge”. Etc etc

    To read up on it properly, heres the tae kim link

    • This reply was modified 13 years, 8 months ago by  Sheepy.
    • This reply was modified 13 years, 8 months ago by  Sheepy.
    in reply to: Ahoyhoy from Aussieland! #13969


    Nice to meet you! (よろしく!) My names Daniel, also from Aussieland.

    I know the feeling you get where if someone was pushing you, you’d definitely be able to stick it out. So stick around and if you’re feeling particularly down about your studies let us know ^^

    in reply to: Hello! #13968


    Welcome to Textfugu! If you’re really passionate, I’m sure you’ll really enjoy yourself. At first when you can’t read much it may be a pain but it won’t be long before you can start reading some basic stuff and then you start to see how fun it can be ^^

    in reply to: The Study Thread #13946


    I did use the te-iru form though ^^ although it was for what I was thinking.

    in reply to: HOW DO I SAY "…." THREAD #13925


    Unless you’re a desperate Japanese house wife ;D

    in reply to: HOW DO I SAY "…." THREAD #13922


    Hmm I’m not a 100% sure about Kyles because it’d contain some より stuff which im still not very good with. You’d use より + こと (or other nominaliser).

    MisterM: you should look up the について grammar point.


    “日本の文化についての番組” a television show about Japanese culture.

    A についての B

    A = what its about
    B = is the object that contains the content.

    You don’t need B however.

    Read more at this link ,its the first link I found on google, but it’ll definitely be in a grammar dictionary or website.

    As for the second part. I’m not sure of a specific way but I think NHKで弁当についての番組を見た。 I watched a show about Bentos on NHK. Or use に if you want to say there is a show on NHK. NHKに弁当についての番組があります。 

    I’m not 100% but I’m sure its enough to get started on a lang-8 article.

    • This reply was modified 13 years, 8 months ago by  Sheepy.
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