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Didn’t drop Japanese, I’ve just been consigned to reading Japanese here and there instead of any strong studying. Also RTK did wonders for my study, my only problem is not doing it enough because I was in a rush lol. Like rushing to the end of a book and missing all the details in the middle doesn’t make it a bad book ;P
To be honest I think Anki 1.2.8 is very simple the problem is Koichi and co are still working on adding new smaller decks. When you have one large deck it’s so much easier but the way that Textfugu is laid out one large deck really isn’t much of an option.
Welcome back Cassandra! I’m actually ready to get back into the swing of things! For this half of the year I’ve been focusing on finishing my degree, spending time with the gf and losing weight. (lost more than 60lbs since Jan 01!)
What happened with RTK for you sort of happened to me. I was so determined to finish I didn’t think about my long time retention and just burned through the last 1000 as fast as I could and then stopped really hard when I should of kept going. I had almost all 2042 in my short term memory at minimum but was so happy to finish I didn’t keep it up. So now I’m going to be working on my foundations again.
I just installed the Anki 2 Beta 16 and I’ve got a refresher course planned. Everyday
- RTK 1
- Kore 6000
- Tae Kims Re-Read
- Light native readingShouldn’t take me TOO long and it’ll get me back up to speed.
Surprised noone has congratulated you yet. Congrats man this is awesome!
Although the Japanese have multiple words for some words we use. Both English and Japanese have a crapload of words for words of a similar meaning. I didn’t realise English can be just as bad until I talked to a German friend of mine who had to learn English. So I wouldn’t say that part is so different.
Comedy/gag wise I can’t think of much though :( I’ll keep thinking.
Haha it’s weird. I’ve been talking casually with Japanese friends for so long. My formal Japanese is probably pretty poor, or I need to take lots of 2nd guesses.
Welcome! I had a dumb moment and thought “Wait why did you go to the Netherlands to learn Japanese….ohh…. wait… T.T
Hey Matt! Welcome to Textfugu, that is a shame when demand is too low or they cut it for funding. However there’s pretty much an abundance of online learning materials (like here?!) and making as many Japanese friends as you can helps a lot.
Welcome! Looking on the positive, there’s plenty of Japanese people in Hawaii!
Sounds good! Always best to use your free time and drive yourself to become a better person.
Not a huge sports person. For spectating I like Rally (WRC) and Ice Hockey (NHL). I’ve dipped my feet here and there into competitive firearms shooting and I like to box for fitness. I’ve become kind of interested in Kayaking but it see that as more of an “activity” than a sport.
..starcraft? :P
This reply was modified 12 years, 9 months ago by
Hey Katrina! Man how did I miss this thread about Japanese Cooking. One of my favourite subjects.
As for Mochi are you trying traditional mochi? The one where you make the mixture with rice flour and sugar etc then you just microwave it is REALLY easy and is a really good substitute to hand beat mochi mix. Also premade redbean paste is easy so yeah :D
@KiaiFighter: ahh but thats where the debate comes in! Input theory and output theory are often put at opposing ends and a lot of prominent learners online advocate high levels of input with little output until you’re advanced. For instance Khatz, or Heisig.
However since you’ve moved to Japan you’ve got a totally different experience and little output isn’t realistic for you, although I think if you live in japan theres no reason not to do Output simultaneously, although most learners have to divide their study time.
Man, I don’t understand why everyone is acting surprised all of a sudden. You have seen missingno here before right?
I think a lot of the appeal is its simplified and requires basically no setup or work to get going. That can be appealing to a lot of people if they find learning a new program (even if anki is pretty easy) a bit too much
Yeah the “coolness” like スタート! vs 始めて! I find it actually annoying like “hey i went to the trouble to learn Japanese! lol”
This reply was modified 12 years, 9 months ago by