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Well it was never really planned to be the money aside for it, the plan was barely being proposed to the government for approval when the hype got out.
To be honest, I would have bought it to try it out when I was just starting out if they charged a reasonable price, but at this point it’s like Adobe software or 3ds max etc, needlessly incredibly expensive. I LIKE to buy my stuff, but with products like that, they aren’t giving people much of a chance. (Hell since I switched to steam, I buy all my games now, because the service and prices are GOOD)
Chrono Trigger along with the fan translation project script for notes and guidance. They explain why some of the English translation stuff is off or incorrect too which is nice.
Mister did such a good job explaining I don’t think I need to add much. A lot of people who haven’t really gotten the method, complain and say “you don’t even learn full words!”, but the speed at which you learn is so fast, and then you just do fun things like read or expose yourself and you pickup the rest in a way that I think is definitely funner.
I love it when my Japanese skills are really useful.
“Kojima_Hideo 小島秀夫
今日も同じ質問ばかりだった。旧RISINGも当初から雷電を主人公にした爽快アクションゲームを目指していた。いわゆるMGSではないスピンオフタイトル。プラチナさんによる新生RISINGもコンセプトは同じ。ステルス型MGSを望む方達にはいつか必ず出るであろう正統派続編を待って欲しい。”Writing can do a lot of good. It can help you solidify your understanding of the kanji and it can help you retain the kanji in your memory. I seem to remember how a kanji is broken down more thoroughly when Ive written it out where as a lot of kanji I can recognise but I couldn’t reproduce it on the spot because I’m, only used to seeing the overall image. If you’re doing that visually thats probably fine but I’d still say writing is better.
If you haven’t written at all ,but you’re through a LOT of kanji I wouldn’t worry too much about it, but if you’re not that far in still, definitely give it a go. It doesn’t add that much work and you can learn how to write them out very quickly.
Yeah there are actually some cool little ways to write different kana. HOWEVER in some areas its not normal and some it is.
For example, this style, which I now use exclusively because its cute and faster lol, but some teachers don’t like it and some do.
You’ll also see this with:
Its how its traditionally meant to be written and how most people don’t really bother to write any more. Don’t sweat it and just do the connected version :P
I paid a few dollars more to get the next step up (which I believe is EMS standard air?). I think EMS is about 1 week and SEA like Index said is about 2-3.
I just weighed 2 volumes, a more regular Hitman Reborn and the slightly wider Yotsuba. Smaller one was 150g and larger was 205g. You only get your shipping costs once they actually ship it for most options though, but its usually quite good. I think i only paid like $7 to Australia O.o
Hashi is such a troll xD
Yes, sorry for your loss. Your reason for learning Japanese is very beautiful I think, and I hope it goes well. Don’t forget you can ask questions to the board when you’re stuck.
With anki especially its about finding your own daily new card limit. You should be getting a feel for it, so if you feel like your retention is dramatically reduced then start by lowering it a bit. HOWEVER, forgetting a handful of cards often is fine, re-remembering things makes them easier to recall in the future.
If you’re having trouble with kana, don’t revert to romaji, that should be your number 1 priority, just spend another couple of days practicing it and throughout the week just find little things to read.
It was likely I was going to do it this year, but after they raised the price I decided not to bother, I like to push myself, but I feel reluctant to push myself when its more expensive. (Was going to go for JLPT 2 when I was originally considering 3)
If I was attempting 1 I’d feel more comfortable paying more i think.
Ok, haven’t gotten any more posts so here’s the answer. I’ve made it long just to be thorough, however you don’t need to read it all, just flick through and use what you need.
If the toilet paper runs out, its troublesome but please call 0422238260.★単語★
トイレットペーパー ・ Toilet Paper
お手数 (おてすう)・ Trouble/Labor
電話 (でんわ)・ Telephone★文章★
なくなる is the negative grammar point which means “to change from one state to another”. So something was there and now it is not. In this case the toilet paper. なりましたら, たら is conditional so “if” essentially. NOTE: 亡くなる (なくなる) means “to pass away”, however, this is a different なくなる.
お手数’s meaning seems a little hard to translate accurately, but “troublesome” or “a pain” seems close. ですが means “it is , BUT” the が adds that but.
まで sometimes marks phone numbers in Japanese. In this case the usage is identical to the particle に to make the destination/location and に is often used in its place.
電話, telephone. くださる is the honorific (尊敬語) version of ください and くださいませ is the imperative form (命令形). So a quite polite way of giving an order :). You may recognise pattern in いらっしゃいませ!which is an honorific of 来る, its regular form being いらっしゃる.
If anyone would like some more information of those honorifics check here. (Japanese only)
This reply was modified 13 years, 3 months ago by
This reply was modified 13 years, 3 months ago by