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  • in reply to: Could you help me with translations? #17303


    Ahh yeah you put it in English better than I did. Although as long as the understanding is the same ^^

    EDIT: yeah I noticed that earlier after I had already looked it up, but it was a good exercise as I researched Japanese resources which is always the best way I think lol. On なんか I’m not sure if theres a large difference between なんか and なんて

    Oh and Dictionary of Basic Japanese Grammar is a god send.

    • This reply was modified 13 years, 6 months ago by  Sheepy.
    • This reply was modified 13 years, 6 months ago by  Sheepy.
    in reply to: Could you help me with translations? #17298



    (I) didn’t seriously consider the circumstances of something like my own death. (or one’s own death)

    I actually checked the official English translation to check if I was right and that’s basically what it is. (The topic of the translation being “correct” isn’t worth talking about as they often fudge the meaning to make it more readable).

    Well this was a challenge! Its hard to put into English because I don’t clearly understand it, and it seems 死にざま is not a standard word at all and I had to refer to this site in Japanese for an explanation.

    Oh and by the way.

    考える (かんがえる) – to consider, to think about.

    • This reply was modified 13 years, 6 months ago by  Sheepy.
    • This reply was modified 13 years, 6 months ago by  Sheepy.
    in reply to: Tomorrow is the big day! #17005


    So this is in your Documents/Anki folder where the decks are right? The deck should be there, if not maybe try doing a search on your PC for the file? After that you should just be able to copy the deck name and attach .media to a folder and throw everything in there.

    unfortunately it seems like the downloads for the media are down now ,so its hard for me to try and replicate it myself.

    in reply to: Help Planning a Trip to Japan #17002


    You’ll need a Japan Rail Pass (JR Pass) for 2 weeks its about $550, you can just buy them online and have the pass shipped to you, or possibly pick it up in Japan.

    in reply to: today I learned #17001


    I learnt that in casual conversation です can be swapped out with っす

    in reply to: Tomorrow is the big day! #16956


    Which directory are you looking in?

    in reply to: Watching movies/anime without subtitles #16929


    @Armando: So I guess you’ve never read it in Japanese then? Ryukishi07 is infamous for writing in an extremely difficult way, and using Kanji that you’ll never see elsewhere. He’s pretty sadistic that way.

    Um, I can’t recommend any that would REALLY be easy to be honest. However a friend did say axanael isn’t THAT hard.

    Edit: also yandere is totally romance.;

    • This reply was modified 13 years, 6 months ago by  Sheepy.
    in reply to: Watching movies/anime without subtitles #16876


    Visual novels are also really good as they have audio, but also text that you can read at your own pace.

    in reply to: Being able to use Japanese without translating from English #16842


    It just happens eventually. An early step is when you hear a sound you want to think of that is る or something, and not Ru. Things like that. So, don’t stress it?

    in reply to: ちょっと質問がある/ I have a quick question #16841


    Lol you should be wary of using あんた even to people you speak completely casual to.

    in reply to: Tomorrow is the big day! #16840


    Oh I missed the ん thing before. The Japanese ん is actually a something called a “uvular nasal”. Its hard to explain it without just saying it, but its basically said much deeper in the throat lol. Its almost a ng sound a lot of the time. Especially in 日本. However you can kind of not worry for a long time and be fine.

    For the deck, I cant say 100% on that exact deck, but usually if you find the folder the deck is in, and just dump all the media into the media folder, it should already be linked in the deck.

    in reply to: Post your handwriting! #16839


    @Kaito: not really, Ive only learnt them little by little.

    in reply to: Tomorrow is the big day! #16794


    If you can stick around for it, a lot of those people don’t stick around for later years.

    in reply to: Post your handwriting! #16793


    Oh this reminds me of something that I dont think people have talked about here before.

    Alternate ways of writing characters when writing by hand. I almost always use these 2, there are more but they’re not as common as these ones I believe.

    EDIT: oh and the attached version of り!

    in reply to: よし、ゲット! #16789


    For books, BK1 has a bigger inventory than anyone and compared to basically ANY internationally shipping company have MUCH better prices. They only charge RRP, and its taxless if its outside Japan. Shipping is pretty cheap. Cannot recommend them enough. Site is only in Japanese, so you get to practice your Japanese ;P

    Oh and I myself recently got
    -Read Real Japanese: Fiction

    • This reply was modified 13 years, 6 months ago by  Sheepy.
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