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  • in reply to: So, About Those TextFugu Changes #27287

    Yuki Suishou

    Updates! Fun. :)
    Might I chime in? I have three things to say:
    1. New blog layout is…okay. I liked the other one better, but this one is okay. It needs to have some sort of separation between each post preview, though.
    2. I did like the descriptions on the lessons… I hadn’t studied for a while, and when I came back to do so, I found I had to look at my notes to remember where I was at rather than the description and picture of each lesson. That in and of itself wasn’t a big deal, though; I just think the descriptions were helpful.
    3. Love the navigation bar, new content and downloads, radicals/kanji page, and the Fugu!

    in reply to: Hello~ #14768

    Yuki Suishou

    @winterpromise31: Thank you!

    @andoryuu3: Thanks!
    It’s fun! I’m just glad to be of some help. :)

    That is very true. “Sea cat”? That’s very interesting! Yes, that really does help!

    Same to you! :)

    in reply to: herro #14767

    Yuki Suishou

    Congrats~! Hm…you may have already seen this, but
    The 365 days chart is for that very thing–giving you a visual of the days you commit and the days you don’t.

    That’s a good tip, actually…don’t say “I need to” but “I will do”…that’s something I need to tell myself often!

    in reply to: Hello~ #14722

    Yuki Suishou

    @missing: Oh yes, I knew what you meant. :) I’m vice versa; I know little about AKB but I like them well enough.
    Oh, okay. Well, that makes sense. Hm…I don’t know what to say.
    I too meant fans in general.

    So I’m sure some AKB fans will come along~

    @kevin: Thank you! :)

    in reply to: herro #14720

    Yuki Suishou

    Hi, andoryuu~ I gotta say, procrastination really has been the thing holding me back from learning Japanese; the mentality of ‘I can’t do this until this happens’ is very familiar to me.

    It’s cool that you’ve already been to Japan and are going back! I still have yet to go…
    Good luck with everything! :3
    (P.S. I have the same graphics tablet!)

    in reply to: Hello~ #14706

    Yuki Suishou

    I wouldn’t say legendary, but I do think we’re pretty well-known. Hello!Fansubs is probably more popular. Subtitles really are a lot more difficult than they seem to be! I really appreciate our typesetters and encoders.
    It’s nice to meet fans here too! Now if only I could find some local, “real-life” fans…

    Wow! First one is cool; I love the second one! I will definitely be returning. *bookmarks*

    in reply to: Hello~ #14680

    Yuki Suishou

    Thank you! We provide English subtitles and karaoke as needed to PVs, live performances, making-of videos, etc. of Hello!Project groups (Morning Musume, S/mileage…). We haven’t completed as much this year as we did last year because several members are busy with other things…

    in reply to: The Study Thread #14646

    Yuki Suishou

    Well, the の at the end of the sentence can be used in the place of か for asking a question…I have heard it fairly often in speech and in songs.

    • This reply was modified 13 years, 7 months ago by  Yuki Suishou.
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