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  • in reply to: Upgrades. *Matrix-Style" #17925


    I haven’t been here for very long but I feel the price is worth it. I can see though where it might be very frustrating to those who are more advanced since it doesn’t keep up with your level (thought reviewing can be a good thing too). With all the projects that the Tofugu/Textfugu crew is working on I can see why it takes time.

    I thought of an idea and forgive me if someone else as already mentioned it or if it is not a possibility. Do you think that perhaps it might help if Textfugu offered an advanced area that they build on at the same time as they build up the basics? As I said I don’t know if that would be possible for the Textfugu team since I don’t know how far out their general outline of the Textfugu textbook and tools goes, but I thought this might be a solution that could appease everyone.

    I’ll shut up now and go curse at my RTK book for awhile.

    in reply to: BookGate/Tablet Apps/Podcasts Anyone? #17412


    Yes, I’ve read the articles and have downloaded Anki, Evernote as well as all the free Japanese Language learning apps I could find in the iTunes store. Since new apps and podcasts are coming out all the time I just wanted to ask if anyone had new favorites to add to the great list that Tofugu already offers.

    I did download BookGate Japan from iTunes, which is the Japanese magazines and books translated into English. They had a few interesting offerings and a free book, ‘Discovering Kyoto in Temples and Shrines’. What I liked about the free book is that it had the original Japanese page of text and then when you turn the page, the translated English page. I thought some might find this useful for study material and just interesting in general.

    Happy studying to all…I’m off to make up twisted stories that are hopefully mentally traumatizing enough to help burn some Kanji into my feeble memory.


    in reply to: Textfugu Kanji Section Criticism #16509


    I think learning the readings through vocabulary would be the way to go as well. I am just a beginner but this is my thinking on the matter.

    1. It’s more practical to use your time to learn a word instead of just a reading.

    2. The more connections there are for a piece of information the more likely you are to remember it. Learning a vocabulary word has more connections and many words have multiple kanji in them so you can learn a couple different readings in one word.

    3. From what I understand even native speakers usually don’t necessarily know what reading to use unless they have previous experience with the word and already know which reading is used. If that is the case what is the point of just remembering readings if you won’t know which one to use anyway? You’ll still have to look the word up to confirm.

    4. Seems to me learning the readings through vocabulary would also save you the trouble of learning obscure readings that are hardly ever used.

    If I’m mistaken in my thinking please feel free to correct me.


    in reply to: Which Kanji learning sequence? #16456


    The Remembering the Kanji method is similar. You learn primitives that you put together to make more complicated Kanji and you can use stories to help you remember how they are put together. The kanji are introduced in a certain order so that the kanji you learn build on one another. I like going to to look up stories that other users have come up with, so sometimes I find one on there that works better for me than what is in the book.

    As for “A Geek in Japan”, all the reviews I had seen were all very good, however I’ve only just started reading it. So far all I’ve seen is the author’s love and respect for the culture…but maybe it changes as you go further in the book. It is from an geek and otaku point of view so perhaps that was seen as a ‘bad’ side of the culture. I’ll have to see as I read further, but thanks for the heads up, I’ll have to watch out for biased views in it.


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