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My gains have been meager and hard-earned. Although it feels like many of what, in isolation, would be insignificant improvements are starting to fit together. I feel rapid growth is lurking around the corner. Septemberish.
日の丸 means “circle of the sun” and is talking about the Japanese flag. (white rice and red umeboshi)
キャラ弁 I think you understood is a contraction of character and bento.
いろいろ roughly translates to “various” and gets used A LOT.
See if that helps.
SO recently I ordered the Genki 1 textbook to review things I’ve already learned from a new vantage point and to pick up a few new things. The first thing I did was flip the the last dialogue section to see if I could understand it. As it turns out I already know pretty much everything in the book. Although I’m kind of bummed that I wasted the money, it’s encouraging to know that I’ve made it through what amounts to a year’s worth of of university study on my own in comparable time. Perhaps I’ve been underestimating my actual ability. Japanese people have told me quite a few times that my Japanese is pretty good but I always just took it as polite nonsense. I’ve been in Japan for almost a year now, maybe it’s time to actually try speaking Japanese regularly. Now, if only I knew some words…
Does anyone know how to say:
Bob is better at cooking than I am at killing elephants.
or in general:
Person1 is better at X than Person2 is at Y.
I think statements like “Get excited!” don’t really help the unmotivated much. It’s like saying “You wouldn’t be such a loser if you had more self esteem.” or telling kids to “like vegetables.”
Think about a really good pianist. Think about why they are really good. Are they really good because, when they first started out, they were super excited about being great someday and, as soon as they get all the tedious practice out of the way, then they can start having some fun jamming away? Or, are they really good because they actually enjoyed the practice (maybe not every minute but a lot) and they got really good as a SIDE EFFECT of their hobby of PRACTICING? I’d wager the latter.
If you goal is to know Japanese, studying will be tiresome and you will always see the prize as over the next horizon. If you goal is to LEARN Japanese then every time (most times) you sit down and study is an enjoyable success. So acquiring fluency might eventually happen as a consequence to your studying, but it should not be the goal.
You can force yourself down unpleasant roads to reach desirable destinations but only if the road is short. Initial excitement about the destination might get you started down the path but, unless you are (in general) enjoying the journey for it’s own sake, you’ll end up quitting and turning back eventually.
This reply was modified 13 years, 7 months ago by
I disagree with your statement that tall is relative. If that were the case, the question “How tall are you?” would not invite an answer like, say, “Six feet six,” but one like “Fairly.” I think both words are relative and quantitative but that they simply measure (or compare) different characteristics.
If you look at the opposites of the words, I think you can see where the discrepancy is (at least as I see it). You might think that the opposite of “tall” is “short”, but you’d be wrong. Another way to say “short” is “not very tall” which means that even short things are tall, maybe less tall than average, but still tall. I would say there is no opposite to tall. “High” on the other hand, does have an opposite but it’s not “low”, like you might expect, for the same reason “short” is not the opposite of “tall”; the opposite of “high” is “deep”.
To me, “high” sounds like “above the ground”. If I were standing on top of the Eiffel Tower, I’d be 324m high not 324m tall (unfortunately). Planes fly high in the sky not tall in the sky. It’s the difference between a position and an extent, like “far” and “long”. to omoimasu.
I’d never seen that before.
It seems to be just omitting an implied verb; “wear” in the first case and maybe “give” in the second. This is, of course, just a guess. Check out some more examples: agree with the recently revived Missing; I don’t see any reason in taking the JLPT at all other than a resume booster and it seems like anything less than N3 isn’t really that impressive. If you are just using it as a motivational tool, a hard deadline and concrete objective, then just take a practice test on the day of the regular test. Just don’t cheat and peak early!
I ordered “Genki” to run through. I don’t think it should take that long since most of it should be review but I thought reviewing via different resources might give a more rounded understanding. The review begins today!
Oh and Hattori, I didn’t get a chance to look at that deck for a while and then when I tried my computer kept crashing. (Sorting an excel spreadsheet with 15 million cells over 2000 times was a bit too taxing I guess. There’s probably a better way to do it, without using a giant cumbersome program like Excel, but I don’t know how.) My computer at home should be able to swing it though so I can give it a shot tonight.
I think it would be harder to give a speech with a bleeding stump wrist…
時間 refers to time interval or when it’s time to do something
〇〇二時間かかります。 ________takes two hours.
行く時間ですよ。 It’s time to go.時(とき) refers to the time something happened or the time when things were a certain way (that made sense…)
中国に行った時に〇〇。 When I went to China ________.
大学生ときに〇〇。 When I was a college student ________.At least that’s some of it.
Hattori, I’d never seen that sight before but I’ve been on it all day since you posted the link. It’S actually quite a bit of fun. Maybe that’s just because I’ve only been doing the JLPT4 words though…anyway, it’s more interesting than anki. I think a nice GUI update (skins or something) would make going through anki much less tedious.
In response to your question about putting things in Heisig order, if you give me a few days I could throw an anki deck together for the core2000 vocab sorted by Heisig order with the frame numbers and keywords on the answer side and link to it if you want.
Do you mean “right” as in what you wrote is correct and what I wrote is not, or to mean that we are both correct? I was under the impression you could use だけ or しか (or both) with the same meaning. If not, I’d like to be unburdened of my ignorance.
This reply was modified 13 years, 7 months ago by