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Hrrmmm, I can’t really help you with easy ps3 games (even though I have a ps3). You can browse around the Japanese PSN store and see if anything strikes your fancy.
If you pick up a DS (or use an emulator on your PC), there are a bunch of easier titles. All the Zelda’s, Professor Layton’s, plus the RPG’s and other stuff that I can’t think of right now. Lots of options, good luck. =)
I really like JED. Offline dictionary, Kanji search by radical, live updates as you type (so as soon as you enter こ and then ん and then に it’s listing words in real time, which I find really useful when searching for a word on the tip of my tongue, or for finding related words etc.)
It also shows all the conjugations so it’s easy to search for words that you have found but are not sure of the root form.
I did like the aesthetics better than Aedict as well. Development has stopped however, so it won’t be getting any further improvements. I still like it though. There’s a list of other dictionaries at the top.
Also, someone on the koohi forums started an android rikaisama project, but without the need of a browser (it’s a text file reader with rikaichan function). It’s still early days, but pretty neat. Jade Reader.
Mainly Kitsunekko or D-addicts. (scroll down)
After watching I go back and read the subtitles. Might not be everyone’s cup of tea, but it’s decent reading practice, and a bit easier (than just reading a book) since you are reading it with the context of what you saw before.
For me, I found that changing what I was doing adjusted my motivation. I was pretty much doing the same thing as you, plodding through Core, and my motivation just kept sliding. When I stopped doing that, took a break from learning anything new for a few days, and then started back by doing reading/watching anime/listening to podcasts/jpod, my motivation jumped back up. Doing the Core grind sucked my energy out, so that doing those other things felt like an added chore.
Now, I’m not adding as many new words to my deck as I was before, but I feel like I’m learning much more, because I feel good about learning. It might not work for you, but it doesn’t sound like what you’re doing is working for you right now either. Change can be good. :)
October 13, 2012 at 6:28 pm in reply to: RTK Remembering the Kanji: When is a good time to start? #36207“and every time without fail they won’t listen, won’t write and wow look at that you either quit Japanese or have spent 6 months learning nothing.”
Well I don’t write, haven’t quit, and think I’ve learned quite a bit in six months. Not everyone is the same, you know? I don’t advocate NOT writing, but I think I do better without it. People are different, different goals, different methods work etc.
“And people still ask why I’m so sarcastic/rude to the Japanese-learning community.”
Is this really the only place that you’re sarcastic and rude? :P
September 25, 2012 at 6:28 pm in reply to: TextFugu Season Completions for Great Motivation of Heart! #35714My favourite is
あかぱじゃま きぱじゃま ちゃぱじゃま
You really went on a posting rampage there. :P
I can’t really help you with songs or artists, but there’s quite a list here, which may or may not be helpful.
Big list here, not all of them are still active though. I like Hot Cast, but I haven’t tried a ton.
Definitely agree, but reading can be a crutch for your listening. Not saying don’t do it, but for listening (thread topic) it is not as effective as no subtitles.
Not entirely true. Though it’s hard to multi-task with very long sentences.
Edit to clarify:
I think it’s a bit much to label it as a “waste of time”, as that is highly subjective. If you are actively listening, it helps. Is it as good as Japanese subtitles? No. Are Japanese subtitles as great as NO subtitles? Not in the least. Does that mean you should never watch anything with subtitles because it’s not maximum efficiency? No.
All small things add up to big things. If you feel like watching Japanese media with subtitles, listen actively and do that, because it’s much better than doing nothing at all.
This reply was modified 12 years, 5 months ago by
Hehe, thanks. You can just go here and use the search function. :)
I think you should be able to find your answer somewhere below. There are a lot of people who’ve gone through the same as you, and you should be able to search for something similar. If not post your question there, as the forums are a lot more active with the kinds of people you are looking for.
My eyes glazed over at step 2. >.< At least we can say you don’t have a motivation/dedication issue for learning. :P
This reply was modified 12 years, 5 months ago by