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  • in reply to: Working out while studying Japanese #31750


    MisterM2402 [Michael]: A wild “Quote” button appeared!Snuck its way in like a ninja while I was typing that last comment :D

    Can someone explain what this button is for? Me so confused.

    in reply to: Japanese songs #31692

    in reply to: December Japan Travel #31562

    in reply to: Finished Season 2 but… #31406


    Agree with above. Please make another post with the same question at the end of Season 3. :P

    in reply to: The Sports thread #31016


    >>>I like counter-attacking football, when teams remember to attack when they get possession!

    Haha yes, they were guilty of that. I’m going to say it was because the centre backs were injured and couldn’t run, yes, that explains it. :P

    in reply to: So, About Those TextFugu Changes #30991


    Sorry I was too tired to explain last night. You should have a sentences deck in Anki that you’ve been adding to. Open it up, and on the top left is a green plus sign “add items”, you can find it in the menu too.

    Now, as you go through each Textfugu lesson, there are example sentences on the pages, with the little blue arrow that plays audio. These are pretty much what the sentence decks consisted of. So, taking a random example, Season 4 “What do you want”, page 6.

    We have the sentence “すし を たべます”, so take that and copy it into the “expression” field of your “add items” popup window. Then copy “I will eat sushi” into the “meaning” field. Then right click on the blue arrow (the one that plays the audio for the sentence), and select “copy link address” (this is in chrome, it might be different in another browser). Go back to your add items popup, and right click and “paste” in the “audio” field. It will look something like this “[sound:34-tori.mp3]” (though not 34-tori.mp3 as that’s for bird). It will play the audio automatically so you will know that it worked.

    Add any tags that you want, and then click “add” at the bottom. Usually there are about 10-20 example sentences per lesson that I find useful. You can pick and choose which ones you want, or add them all. All the lessons have audio, with the exception of 2 or 3, up to the end of season 6 (I haven’t start 7 yet so I don’t know about that).

    So it is a little extra work, but you’ll get the same sentences you were getting before. :)

    in reply to: So, About Those TextFugu Changes #30970


    It’s more work, but you can pull the example sentences off the site and put them in your anki deck (audio and all). It’s pretty much the same as the sentence decks, just takes more time.

    in reply to: The Sports thread #30967


    >>>>there is no justice in the football world; that CL final proves it. Just terrible.

    I think it would have been an injustice had they lost. The way they came back against Napoli (after changing managers), the way they beat Barcelona, no team has played as hard as they did this season. All of their games since Napoli have been down to the last kick. Literally, against all the odds.

    >>>>>>Then, Heynckes makes the mistake of subbing a striker (Mueller) for a defender (Van Buyten).

    I think hindsight is 20/20. If he left on Mueller and Chelsea scored and went on to win, people would have said he made a mistake and should have put on defenders with 7min to play.

    >>>>No one can deny though, that Chelsea have had alot of luck go their way.

    The amount of luck borders on surreal to be honest. As Gary Neville kept yabbering, “written in the stars.”.

    • This reply was modified 12 years, 9 months ago by  クリス.
    in reply to: Anki media syncing problem on iPhone Anki Mobile. #30914


    I couldn’t get it to sync properly via dropbox, so I can’t help you there. What I do is just connect my device to the PC, and copy the media files over manually into the .media folder.

    Alternatively, for Textfugu decks I download them on my device and unzip them straight into the folder.

    in reply to: The Sports thread #30874


    >>I’d like to see players playing for a club because they’re passionate about the club

    I agree, but the world as a whole isn’t really like that anymore, sadly. I have to hand the NBA some credit (maybe there are other sports that do it) for having wage caps.

    >>It’s not just in England where this is the case.

    Agreed, it’s an inherent problem of the system. The people at the top make the most money, the more money you make, the better players you get, the better you play, the more money you make. It’s almost a closed loop, which is why personally I don’t have a problem with mediocre Man. City being bought and turned into a good team.

    I understand why people don’t like it, but it has made this season MUCH more interesting. The stale top flight was turned in to a fight down to the last match (and last minute), it was epic. If money pays for more teams to get into the scrap then it’s fine by me.

    in reply to: So, About Those TextFugu Changes #30859


    >>>I’m fine with the site how it is to be honest and would prefer new lessons.

    To be fair the lessons are being done, just not posted. So when it releases theoretically you would have more lessons than the current pace it was going at (I think). That’s if season 7 is actually finished when v3 comes out.

    in reply to: The Sports thread #30858


    >>>smaller clubs don’t have a chance of winning anything these days due to the bigger clubs throwing money around and snatching their talent.

    I disagree on this sentiment a bit. As in, this has always been the case. The top flight in England has been extremely predictable for many years.

    I get that people are upset that it seems money is ruling these days, but that has been the case for a while. The richest teams at the time (the big four, who have the biggest brands, win the most things etc.) got the best players. Now the money issue is just way more out in the open, now teams that didn’t have the players to beat the bigger teams, can afford to buy them (Man. City).

    The big four don’t have a strangle hold on all the available money anymore, because now the money is coming out of the east, and going towards any random team that catches their fancy.

    You still can’t buy a trophy, just because you have money doesn’t mean you’ll get the correct players or manager or have cohesion/will to win in your team (Oh Chelsea). It just affords previously lesser teams the opportunity to do better.

    in reply to: The Sports thread #30832


    @Kanjiman >>>But knowing Abramovich he may just sack him anyway :(.

    Yeh I have the same feeling.

    @vanandrew >>I’m for Arsenal too.

    They played really well (mostly) the second half of the season, tons of goals. Were great to watch. Chamberlain is going to be a beast.

    in reply to: The Sports thread #30815


    >>>It was hard to decide who was the lesser of the two evils in that contest, though (much like the FA Cup).

    Hey don’t hate on my team. :P Chelsea vs. Barcelona was craaaaazy. It’s been an awesomely topsy-turvy season. I don’t know how we’re in the final. \o/

    in reply to: AJATT Silverspoon #30806


    I think the idea of AJATT is really useful, and some of the posts are really interesting and motivational. Having said that, Silverspoon raises way more red flags than is acceptable. The Koohii Forum is a good place to start your research.

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