Forum Replies Created
Hey Marvin,
Welcome! So you’re interested in animation? That’s cool. Are you wanting to attend school in Japan or find an animation career there?
Good luck with your studies!
~CassandraHey, Marcel. Welcome! :) Last October isn’t too bad. Just start now and keep moving forward! No use bemoaning lost time. It wastes time you could use studying. ;)
Anyways, much luck with your studies! If you need help on anything specific, post on the forums. People around here are pretty helpful.
This thread is dropping down the page! Today I did tons of Anki review and started the new lessons in Season 3. Yay! And I thought I had a lot of Anki cards due before. HA! The ultimate lists really are Ultimate.
SinisterT – good luck with your cramming!
June 14, 2011 at 3:26 pm in reply to: Hell: The place between real life and Textbook Japanese #12636trevor – welcome! It is hard to make a transition between textbook Japanese and real life. Have you tried talking to people over Skype? That might be an option. Or the shadowing that Ncroleptic mentioned.
Good luck!
Armando, congrats on finishing season 2! That’s awesome. :) Good luck with all of your reviews!
I find the amount of vocab overwhelming as well. I just downloaded the ultimate verb list. Wow.
Hi Chedkid – welcome! How cool that you have already been to Japan. :) Learning Japanese to speak to your host family is an awesome goal. Much luck with that!
I just finished quizzing the last card on the Season 2 deck. Yippee! I have now seen every single card at least once. Pushed so hard today trying to get through the last few cards that I will have 190 cards due tomorrow night. Eek!
Not sure if I’ll wait to let these reviews die down or go ahead and start Season 3. I know Koichi tosses a TON of vocab at you right off the bat so it might be good to get my decks down a bit. *sigh* At least I’m current on RTK…
How’s everyone else doing today?
The adverbs lesson was awesome. Very useful! I didn’t know all of the vocab but I’m slowly getting it down.
Michael – Great job on the RTK reviews!! That’s awesome!! I’m starting to print lists and tape them up on the wall too. ;)
Sinister – Keep plugging along! You’re doing good. :)
Missing – Why are you yelling? :P I’m watching anime, j-dorama, listening to music, a few podcasts, looking at websites, etc. I can understand bits and pieces but I still feel a lot of the grammar is beyond what I know… motivation to learn more! :)
Sounds like a lot of people are studying around the same lessons in Textfugu. Cool!
I’ve finished season 2 but I’m trying to finish up all the vocab. I think I still have 120 cards left and I’m going to try to get through all of them tomorrow. Some of the cards are review and others are new (kanji vocab is mostly new). I’m hoping that I can start season 3 on Sunday or Monday. That would be fun!
Hi, Lizbet! Welcome to the forums!
Watching shows without subs is a great goal, as is visiting Japan and being able to communicate! I think that would be wonderful. Where specifically do you want to visit?
Welcome and good luck with your studies!
CassandraHi, Sven. Welcome! :)
No need for a fancy reason to learn Japanese, so long as your reasons keep you motivated when you get overwhelmed or bored. Not wanting to deal with subs sounds like a good enough reason to me!
Good luck with all of your studying!
~CassandraLemur – you are definitely not mentally impaired. ;) If you are finishing up season 2 (and have only used Textfugu for learning) then you won’t have much practice with output. I think that’s a big part of season 3 – getting practice producing your own sentences. I hope you get to come back soon!
Today – I went over the colors lesson and the season 2 review. I’ll probably take me a couple more days to finish up the Season 2 massive Anki list and then I’ll move on to Season 3. Monday? Sunday? Hopefully soon. I’m still behind on my RTK reviews but I am keeping up with everything that is not overdue and very slowly adding back the cards that are overdue. Anki and I are best friends right now and I’m not sure I like that!
Lemur – I feel the same way. I think the knowledge is there, but it’s hard to practice getting it out on paper. Reading the Textfugu lessons, you’re almost always going from Japanese –> English. The focus is mostly on comprehension. There isn’t much practice writing your own sentences until season 3. So when you try to produce something, it’s hard to think of what to say, the necessary grammar, and then you run into any potential vocab limitations. At this point, it’s easier to understand something that is being said TO YOU or heard than it is to write or speak in Japanese to someone else. We are focused more on input than output.
Basically, I think the answer is just more and more practice. That will get the knowledge from your brain to your mouth and your hand. Don’t give up! We’ll get there. :)
- This reply was modified 13 years, 7 months ago by winterpromise31.
budonoseito – I’m glad your dad is home. :) :)
Today I went over adverbs again. Then I read the difficult/easy verbs lesson (new to me). A quick review of colors and I’ll be ready to start tackling all the new lessons in Season 3. ;) I’m very shaky on casual Japanese so hopefully the newly written lessons will solidify that. Grammar is awesome!
Hi Teagun! Welcome. :) Alaska does seem very beautiful from the photos I’ve seen.
I too started learning Japanese for someone else but then switched to learning for myself. It’s a beautiful language!
Good luck with your studies!
~Cassandra -