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Since radical decks use pictures instead of text, you need to upload the files with something like dropbox. I’m not sure if this is the problem or not.. does the audio work for you? I know there is a topic about this somewhere in these forums, if you can find it : P
=^..^=ニャー =^..^=
=^..^=I say do both! Double the cards by having one of each :-)
=^..^=i just got dropbox to work with my phone (had to download two extra apps to make it easier in the long run though, dropbox downloader and io explorer)
so i think i’m good to go now! :)=^..^=thanks! i’ve been manually adding everything to my phone this whole time… :/
i think i’ve figure it out mostly. one question though. for media (sounds, kanji) does it download those too or is that done separately?
=^..^=I tried multi ling but don’t think i like it better than my current app. Found Go keyboard too which i like in theory because it has swipe and easy switch between languages, but I’m so used to my current one that i find this one awkward. I’m typing with it now and it’s taking forever :-P
=^..^=I use open wnn and really like it. Best one that I’ve found. But I’m open to new things and will check out your recommendation too :)
=^..^=Today I learned that my favourite band ever sings one of their songs in Japanese! AWESOME!
It’s the Flaming Lips with Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots.
=^..^=I don’t understand the change to the dashboard. I really liked it before. Now it’s booooring.. :P I haven’t gone through the whole site to see other changes, as I havent really been studying much lately. tsk tsk. I think part of it is…. lack of new content. Even though I’m not 100% caught up, I kinda am. Just not with vocab. (or kanji) I’m caught up with grammar points aka core lessons… So I get excited when I see a new lesson.. (and I mean NEW, not REMADE..) And when I start learning new stuff it motivates me to also continue with vocab and kanji practice. I must say I agree with Mister on a lot of points. I’ve been here since day 1 (ok maybe more like day 7 or something) but when it was it’s cheapest. So I don’t mind that much, and it has been awesome and helped me a lot. I guess I just wish it would continue…Personally I no longer care about the season 1 and 2 stuff since I’m passed it, so all the work that’s done to it is not relevant to me.. but I’m glad that it’s improved for new beginner’s sakes…
=^..^=I’m the same way, I know I need to set up a schedule or something. Basically I study randomly and sporadically. I don’t recommend it! At least I have a few apps on my android phone (anki, obenkyou etc..) so when i get bored sometimes i’ll whip out my phone and study a bit
=^..^=Even though all those responses are good, I’ll add my 2 cents :)
So basically manga and anime are simply the japanese terms for comics and cartoons. So when non-japanese speakers use those words they refer to the japanese style and when japanese speakers use them they refer to any comics/cartoons.
as for their differences… well i think it’s a much bigger world in japan than anywhere else. So there is a much much bigger variety. we do have adult comics and cartoons of course, but I’d say those are usually adult humor. I love how japan’s anime can be for adults but isn’t necessarily crude. I’d say japanese anime is generally more story-based too.
Another big difference is obviously the style. You can usually tell when a comic/cartoon is japanese. personally i love that art style but i know a lot of people don’t..
=^..^=well they already use teampseak. i can’t get teamspeak to run so this might interest me more.
=^..^=sideways kitty picture!
=^..^=:skipping over other posts:
1. gooooood. or previously raining but clearing up
3. clear up
4. nicely clear up?
:P=^..^=my guesses:
1. very
2. air became clear
3. air was clear during March mornings
4. no verb at end. or no particle before the 3?
This reply was modified 13 years, 6 months ago by
=^..^= -
This reply was modified 13 years, 6 months ago by